Monday, May 19, 2008

The hidden treasure

While walking across a field, the father and his son come across an unlikely discovery. What do they find and how may this effect the days/months that lay ahead of them?

Put some creativity into this one, don't worry everyone John Anthony Todd ratted me out and I will be blogging now.


Anonymous said...

While walking across a yard, the father discovers what looks like a bolted cellar door. Eventually, the father pries open the door with a tool he found in the shed and walks into the unremitting darkness. While down there he discovers multiple cans of food such as peaches, tomatoes, peaches, apricots, hams, corned beef and gallons of water. Blankets, clothes, and gas are also discovered in the cellar. This newly found food could potentially increase the days the father and son have to survive. Before this haven was found the father and son were on the road to death. The surplus amount of food could also increase the amount of hope and faith the father and son contained causing them to continue on their journey to the south.

Jordan Penney

Anonymous said...

While walking across a field the father and his son come across a door in the ground that turns out to be a bunker filled to the brim with supplies of all sorts ranging from boxes and boxes of canned foods, to clothes such as sweaters and socks, lamps, beds, pots and pans, soap, detergent, a stove, basin, toilet and much, much more. This will most likely affect the days/months that lay ahead of them in a positive way, seeing how only a day before the father and his son were starving and the father didn’t give them more than ten days to live if they didn’t find any food. However, now that they have found all they could ever want or need in a world where there was thought to be nothing left at all, the tables have turned and luck is apparently on their side. Yet the real question is, will it last? Although the immediate response to this question is yes, seeing how the father and his son are very lucky to have found the food, it could also end badly for them and bring unwanted attention to them as they travel along the road seeing how everyone else is starving too. Another possibility would be that they could use the food they brought with them in the cart as bribery and use it to help them obtain items that they need and/or want from other people on the road by trading their food, or simply help out various people they meet along the road like the ninety year old man that the boy begged his father to feed earlier. I’m not quite sure yet. We’ll just have to wait and find out.

Anonymous said...

During their travels, the father and son come across a house. Desperate and emaciated, the father can not turn down the chance for food. Despite the son’s hesitance, they enter to find a fully stocked bunker. Their risk produced a phenomenal reward. What they find is countless cans of food, blankets, clothes, and supplies. This is a great place for them to rest, bathe, and eat. However, the father knows it is not safe to stay in one spot for too long, especially in such a conspicuous place as a house. The food and rest help them proceed on their journey. Also, they do not have to worry about food for a while. The unfortunate part is that they can only bring an amount that they can carry, and hide when they need to. It is great that they can head south again, but they may be in the same bad situation if they run out of food before reaching the coast.

Anonymous said...

On thier travels, they come across a cellar or basement. The father is able to open the door, and inside is a plethora of canned goods and food. among the food was tomatoe sauce, peaches, and beverages. In my opinion, this is not going to help these travelers in thier future. I beleive this will only cause hardship and make others hunt the father and the son for thier new food they've recieved. I also think this question is repetitive in its responses and think a better more general question with a multitude of answers would be better.

-John Cummings

BrogManager said...

John, I do not care what you think despite how right you may or may not be.