Monday, May 19, 2008

The hidden treasure

While walking across a field, the father and his son come across an unlikely discovery. What do they find and how may this effect the days/months that lay ahead of them?

Put some creativity into this one, don't worry everyone John Anthony Todd ratted me out and I will be blogging now.

Friday, May 09, 2008

E Block's Really Really Ridiculously Difficult Question

Throughout the novel, the father and son start to encounter people along their journey. Describe what you feel is the most memorable encounter and talk specifically about how McCarthy's diction effects the event. Also, provide your point of view on whether or not this book should be required as part of the high school curriculum.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Thus far...

After reading the first 100 pages of The Road, reflect on the story thus far and share your thoughts. Then talk about what you feel is the most meaningful event or passage up to this point. Provide a citation if possible.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

More than one road to our final destination

Where is the father and his son heading in the book in terms of their final destination? Also, as they travel to this location they stop at a few places along the way. List one or two places that they stop at and what signifigance they have in terms of character and plot development.